What's a Fashion Graphic Designer to Do in The Fashion Industry?

Some of graphic design jobs can be found within the fashion industry. Not just as fashion designer, these may include the development of fashion advertising or catalogues, or developing graphic artwork that will eventually make its way onto graphic T-shirts, pants, dresses, skirts, or jackets. You might find work designing jewelry or accessories--creating shapes and interesting designs that might translate into wearable art.

You might be in charge of creating publicity layouts, which may eventually wind up in newspapers or magazines. Or you might be asked to design packaging or collateral materials--things like brochures, letterhead, logos, annual reports--for fashion design companies or apparel manufacturers.

Fashion school boosts your graphic design career? Of course, while every employer is different, they'll generally require you to know such computer design software as Adobe Illustrator and PhotoShop. And if you want to work in the fashion industry, you should speak the industry language--CAD (computer-aided design). That's where fashion school comes in. Both campus and online degree programs should help their students learn the technology. When you're researching schools, be sure to ask them what technologies and software programs you'll learn as part of your program.

In fashion school, all the pieces will come together. You'll learn how to apply your talents as an artist to set fashion trends, design wearable looks that suit your target buyer, market your fashion product in the most effective way, and create designs using the most up-to-date software for the industry. Fashion school can help you design the fashion career of your dreams.

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